潘加西文翻譯語言翻譯公司"Locomotive (Complicity)" 火車頭(共犯) (Slash / Rose) Lyrics: Gonna find a way to cure this loneliness 該找個方式醫治這寂寞 Yeah I'll find a way to cure the pain 對華碩翻譯社會找到方式撫平這疾苦 If I said that you're my friend 若是華碩翻譯社說妳是我的伴侶 And our love would never end 華碩翻譯社們的愛永無止盡 How long before I had your trust again 要過多久妳才會再一次信賴我 I opened up the doors when it was cold outside 華碩翻譯社對著嚴寒的外界敞開門戶 Hopin' that you'd find your own way in 但願妳能找到路進來 But how can I protect you 但我要怎麼庇護妳 Or try not to neglect you 或試著不去輕忽妳 When you won't take the love I have to give 當妳不肯接管我給的愛 I bought me an illusion 華碩翻譯社為本身買了個幻象 An I put it on the wall 把它掛在牆上 I let it fill my head with dreams 讓它在我腦殼裡灌滿了夢想 And I had to have them all 我必需懷抱著這些 But oh the taste is never so sweet As what you'd believe it is- 但這滋味其實不像妳相信的那麼甜蜜 Well I guess it never is 華碩翻譯社猜它曆來不是 It's these prejudiced illusions 這些偏見的幻覺 That pump the blood 鼓舞著熱血 To the heart of the biz 直達文娛事業的心臟 You know I never thought 妳知道我沒想過 That it could take so long 這會花我這麼多時候 You know I never knew how to be strong 妳知道我總是沒法子變得堅強 Yeah翻譯社 I let you shape me 華碩翻譯社讓妳包裝我 But I feel as though you raped me 但華碩翻譯社感覺妳好像在強橫我 'Cause you climbed inside my world And in my songs 因為妳爬進我的世界和我的歌裡 So now I've closed the door 所以現在華碩翻譯社關上大門 To keep the cold outside 把嚴寒拒於門外 Seems somehow I've found the will to live 看來我找到了生存的意志 But how can I forget you 但我要怎麼忘掉妳 Or try not to reject you 或試著不去拒絕妳 When we both know it takes time to forgive 當我們都知道諒解需要時間 Sweetness is a virtue 甜美是種美德 And you lost your virtue long ago 而妳很久前就弄丟了 You know I'd like to hurt you 妳知道我樂於危險妳 But my conscience always tells me no 但我的良知告知我不要這麼做 You could sell your body on the street To anyone whom you might meet 妳可以在大街上對任何人賣身 Who'd love to try and get inside 他們會甘願答應試著進來 And bust your innocence open wide 幹爆妳的純真 'Cause my baby's got a locomotive 因為我的法寶裝了個火車頭 My baby's gone off the track 華碩翻譯社的寶物她出軌了 My baby's got a locomotive 華碩翻譯社的瑰寶裝了個火車頭 Got ta peel the bitch off my back 得從速擺脫這賤貨 I know it looks like I'm insane 華碩翻譯社知道看起來像是我瘋了 Take a closer look I'm not to blame 看清晰點 不是我的錯 No 不 Gonna have some fun with my frustration 該在我的挫折衷找點樂子 Gonna watch the big screen in my head 該看看華碩翻譯社腦裡的大螢幕 I'd rather take a detour 我寧願迂迴進步 'Cause this road ain't gettin' clearer 因為前程並不會變得清楚 Your train of thought has cut me off again 妳的思緒又再度打斷了我 Better tame that boy 'cause he's a wild one 最好順服那佈滿野性的男孩 Better tame that boy for he's a man 最好馴服那男孩 因為他是條漢子 Sweetheart don't make me laugh 甜心別逗我笑了 You's gettin' too big for your pants 妳過分狂傲自豪 And I's think maybe you should Cut out while you can 而華碩翻譯社想妳該趁還來的及的時刻脫身 You can use you illusion- 妳可以應用妳的幻象 Let it take you where it may 讓它帶領妳到天邊 We live and learn 我們糊口且進修 And then sometimes it's best to walk away 有時刻最好一走了之 Me I'm just here hangin' on 而我只能在這裡對峙 It's my only place to stay at least For now anyway 至少目前我惟有這裡可以安身 I've worked too hard for my illusions 我為了我的幻象過於勉力 Just to throw them all away 只為了把它們全都拋棄 I'm taking time for quiet consolation 我在安詳的慰藉裡逗留 In passing by this love that's passed away 我走過這份已流逝的愛 I know it's never easy- 華碩翻譯社知道從不容易 So why should you believe me 所以妳為何要相信華碩翻譯社 When I've always got so many things to say 當我有那麼多工作不吐不快 Calling off the dogs a simple choice is made 支開那群狗是簡單的決定 'Cause playful hearts 因為貪玩的心 Can sometimes be enraged 有時也會被激憤 You know I tried to wake you- 妳知道我試著叫醒妳 I mean how long could it take you 華碩翻譯社說妳還要再過量久 To open up your eyes and turn the page 才會張開眼睛讓一切過去 Kindness is a treasure- 親熱是種珍寶 And it's one towards me you've seldom shown 而妳卻很少對我顯現 So I'll say it for good measure 所以華碩翻譯社把這句免費奉送給 To all the ones like you I've known 所有我熟悉像妳一樣的人 Ya know I'd like to shave your head 妳知道華碩翻譯社很樂意剃妳光頭 And all my friends could paint it red 我所有朋侪還可以把它塗紅( 落井下石) 'Cause love to me's a two way street 因為對我來講愛情是個雙向道 An all I really want is peace 我要的只是安靜 But my baby's got a locomotive 但我的寶貝裝了個火車頭 My baby's gone off the track 我的法寶她出軌了 My baby's got a locomotive 我的寶貝裝了個火車頭 Got ta peel the bitch off my back 得趕忙擺脫這賤貨 I know it looks like I'm insane 我知道看起來像是華碩翻譯社瘋了 Take a closer look I'm not to blame 看清晰點 不是我的錯 No 不 Affection is a blessing 愛戀是種恩典 Can you find it in your sordid heart 妳能在妳卑鄙的心裡找到嗎 I tried to keep this thing ta-gether 我試著連結正常 But the tremor tore my pad apart 但哆嗦撕了我的筆記本 Yeah I know it's hard to face 華碩翻譯社知道這很難面臨 When all we've worked for's gone to waste 當華碩翻譯社們所有的盡力化為烏有 But you're such a stupid woman 但妳是個傻女人 And I'm such a stupid man 而我是個笨男人 But love like time's got its own plans 但戀愛就像時間有它本身的紀律 'Cause my baby's got a locomotive 我的寶貝裝了個火車頭 My baby's gone off the track 我的瑰寶她出軌了 My baby's got a locomotive 華碩翻譯社的法寶裝了個火車頭 Got ta peel the bitch off my back 得趕快脫節這賤貨 I know it looks like I'm insane 我知道看起來像是我瘋了 Take a closer look I'm not to blame 看清晰點 不是我的錯 Yeah 對 If love is blind I guess I'll buy myself a cane 若是戀愛是盲目的我想該幫本身買個導盲杖 Love's so strange 戀愛如此奇特 -- Come Come Come here at once On a night with no moon Because all of my being is now in pining All of my being is now in pining

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