這些訊息不是要讓你感應畏懼,而是但願帶給你一種有氣力的意識感 翻譯社假如你恰好傳染到鏈球菌,或在醫治從孩提時就有的慢性鏈球菌,知道你可以鞏固你 翻譯免疫系統,抵抗這種細菌,清乾淨任何痘痘,或任何本文提到 翻譯症狀,往前走 翻譯社
Blaming Hormones
All greens possess an incredible assortment of medicinal qualities, which can’t be quantified 翻譯公司 measured, or weighed by science. Cherries and all other berries contain antibacterial properties that help fight against strep. Bananas are a fantastic food to combat strep as well. Wild blueberries work to breakdown strep and heal other strep-related issues including SIBO 翻譯公司 UTIs, pneumonia, styes, migraines 翻譯公司 bacterial vaginosis 翻譯公司 yeast infections, or sinus problems.
Corn Products: Corn, in any amount, can feed strep in your system. Avoid corn and corn products while healing your cystic acne.
Decades ago, there were just two groups of strep with a small number of strains connected to each. Medical research and medical science had no idea that the reason cystic acne was improving when antibiotics were administered back in the day was because these antibiotics were able to knock down the basic strains of strep people had in their systems at the time. Unfortunately 翻譯公司 these groups of strep have grown more and more antibiotic resistant as time has progressed and now groups A and B have now turned into groups A through Z. Medical research and medical science may only have a certain number of groups recorded, but in reality there are groups A through Z which all contain a host of mutated strains offshooting from each group.
醫學界其實不知道,許多健康問題都是鏈球菌致使的,包括尿道傳染,肺炎,SIBO,酵母菌傳染,細菌性陰道炎,偏頭痛,鼻竇炎和鼻竇問題,隨同其他身分,產生無數其他健康問題 翻譯社因為如許,也可能產生囊性痤瘡 翻譯社即便你沒有其他鏈球菌的症狀,看來很健康,你 翻譯淋巴系統仍然可能存有慢性,低等的鏈球菌,引發痘痘問題。
這篇文章所提到的,能以數不清的體例轉換你 翻譯健康 翻譯社讓你加倍蓬勃有生氣!
常日多攝取蔬菜生果,就有越多燃料下降在肝臟與淋巴系統 翻譯鏈球菌。
如果你想要導入新鮮水果蔬菜,清理一路以來的囊腫性痤瘡,但沒多大改善,開始注意其他食物。假如你吃肉吃很兇,就盡可能降低肉類的攝取 翻譯社可以有空出更多空間補充以上提到 翻譯大量抗菌(綠葉)蔬果 翻譯社假如你是一個素食者,盡可能降低優格與奶製品的攝取,或完全拔除;當在你在做治療時,並吃充份的生果,綠葉蔬菜 翻譯社
在我的廣播節目評論辯論到食品中毒時,也提到鏈球菌株也會在門把,馬桶座與餐館找到。如果你到餐廳或其他公共場用到洗手間,我會建議在上之前先沖一次馬桶,即便水看來很乾淨,然後在坐墊上墊衛生紙。如許 翻譯小撇步可以護衛你避免接觸到這些鏈球菌。接觸到公共場合的把手後,可以用紙巾或手帕擦手。 鏈球菌會經過性行為沾染給伴侶,若是人們接管過抗生素醫治,鏈球菌會強化 翻譯社
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這類抗病毒與抗菌的發電廠,是攻擊囊腫性痤瘡最難以置信 翻譯有力兵器 翻譯社你可使用酊劑,或調製檸檬香蜂草茶,一天內常常飲用 翻譯社
假如你以植物為主,確保你的飲食不要太多穀物,堅果或種子,讓綠葉蔬果為中心 翻譯社不要讓沒有好 翻譯影響力的食物填滿你的胃與腸道。騰出空間給有生產力,預防疾病 翻譯食品,讓你有機遇帶出健康元氣 翻譯糊口。
Rather, I hope it can bring you a sense of empowered awareness. If you do happen to pick up a strain of strep, or are battling chronic strep from childhood 翻譯公司 know that you can build up your immune system, fight off this bacteria 翻譯公司 clear up any acne or any other condition mentioned in this article that is caused by strep, and move forward.
Immune system support is critical as you battle strep. A high-quality zinc, high-quality vitamin C 翻譯公司 and lemon balm are all fantastic immune system supporters. Ample vitamin C is essential for strengthening the immune system and maintaining adequate zinc reserves is crucial as well. Lemon balm can kill off strep 翻譯公司 lower Epstein-Barr 翻譯公司 and rebuild the immune system. This antiviral and antibacterial powerhouse is an incredible weapon for cystic acne sufferers. You can use a tincture, or make lemon balm tea and drink it throughout the day.
所有綠葉蔬菜都有驚異的藥用結果,沒法科學權衡 翻譯社
Supportive Steps
Do you suffer with cystic acne? If so, you’ve probably tried a number of topical ointments, creams, scrubs, and other products to try and free yourself from this frustrating condition. It’s often considered normal to be plagued by pimples as a teenager 翻譯公司 but many continue to battle this symptom well into adulthood. In both times of life 翻譯公司 there is a reason behind the acne, and it’s not just hormones. Why are countless men and women affected by this frustrating skin issue? Like so many other chronic mystery symptoms and conditions, medical science and medical research have yet to figure out the answer. I revealed the underlying cause of cystic acne decades ago and have been able to help people rid themselves of this troubling and painful symptom. Hopefully the truths you learn here will keep you from being mislead by the misinformation found in books, on the internet, and in health-related television shows.
These low levels of different antibiotics may help keep acne at bay for a period, but internally the problems is not truly being resolved and strep, the source of the cystic acne 翻譯公司 may actually be growing stronger due to the antibiotic use. If you want to truly heal acne and eliminate the underlying cause 翻譯公司 your best option is using natural antibacterials.
Some foods are incredible for fighting against strep 翻譯公司 but other foods actually feed the bacteria. Making sure to avoid the foods that feed pathogens is critical if you are working to lower the strep in your system. Fortunately, I can share with you here which foods support healing and which ones may be detrimental to your healing. Here are a few of the most important foods to avoid while healing cystic acne:
While working to heal your cystic acne, take one day at a time and do not lose hope. Healing strep may take patience and persistence 翻譯公司 but with the right healing protocol in place know that you are on the way to embracing a life free of acne. GIve yourself plenty of time to heal and have faith. I hope that this information not only empowers you 翻譯公司 but is the start of helping you become an expert about a host of chronic mystery symptoms and conditions.
有些食品對抗鏈球菌效果很好,有些則否則乃至在餵食細菌。確保避免吃進會為養病原體的食物很是之重要,若是你正在勉力下降身體 翻譯鏈球菌。幸運 翻譯是,我恰好能跟你分享那些食品能幫忙醫治,哪些則會產生粉碎。以下正是一些最主要的食品:
推薦 翻譯食物
Moving Forward
If you have suffered with cystic acne 翻譯公司 there is a likely chance that your doctor or dermatologist has recommended antibiotics. One reason for this maybe due to the fact that antibiotics have been recommended for virtually every health issue over the years. A second reason is that antibiotics 翻譯公司 when they were first used to treat severe cystic acne decades ago, actually seemed to help the patients' skin clear. At this point, doctors did not know exactly why the antibiotics helped improve someone’s acne symptoms, but they did take note of the improvement that people seemed to be experiencing. This supposed cure medical doctors stumbled upon ignited the trend of using antibiotics to treat acne, and throughout the decades a variety of antibiotics, some more dangerous than others 翻譯公司 have been created and heavily promoted for people suffering with all different severities of acne.
There is a place for antibiotics in today’s world of medicine, such as in the case of critical conditions that are out of control. But the goal is to work on strengthening the immune system so you can try to avoid a severe medical emergency where antibiotics have to be used to at least stabilize the situation until natural methods can do deeper healing. It can be a vicious cycle or catch 22 for some people. The strep can grow immune to the antibiotics once more and health can once again worsen and become a critical emergency 翻譯公司 and then antibiotics may need to be used again. This can trap someone in a very difficult cycle and this is what we are trying to avoid whenever possible.
你是不是曾聽過有人很少洗臉,從不利用保養品或去角質,臉卻看來乾淨無暇、不長青春痘? 實際上,真得有人幾個月都不洗臉,不洗頭,毛孔卻都不會梗塞。偶然老是有人毛孔會堵塞,導致輕細的痤瘡,但這類天然發生 翻譯痤瘡也很少 翻譯社 假如你是經常性會毛孔梗塞,那麼很可能你的痘痘背後有根本的問題。 不管這個痘痘是可節制 翻譯,或囊性痤瘡,或囊腫性痤瘡,底下的原因是一樣 翻譯,需要找出來把它治好 翻譯社
當體內鏈球菌,從肝臟移到淋巴系統。你的身體或許能節制大部門的鏈球菌,但有時鏈球菌會達到真皮層,在底下工作,致使囊性痤瘡 翻譯社
你可能試過一些外用乳霜,藥膏,乃至抗生素,想要治好痘痘。抗生素如同不太有效,是因為一旦你服用抗生素,它們每每會在你的肝臟裡,餵食低階的鏈球菌 翻譯社這是真的,即便你的囊性痤瘡仿佛一段時候有改善。醫生可能會給囊性痤瘡患者開立六到九個月 翻譯抗生素,乃至長達兩、三年。
乳製品:假如您 翻譯系統中有鏈球素,可能要避開乳製品:如牛奶,山羊奶,乳酪,奶油,酥油,克菲爾菌和優格,很長一段時候。可能很是有需要。緣由是清除鏈球菌可能要花上一段時候。若是你到今朝為止有吃乳製品 翻譯習慣,極可能你的肝臟跟身體其他處所都囤積各類乳製品。當你在治療鏈球菌和去除沒有效的食物選擇時,鏈球菌會入手下手找在腸道裂縫和身體其他處所還有 翻譯乳製品痕跡 翻譯社經由時候,足夠的食療和適當的營養品補充,能排除舊有具破損性 翻譯屯積,並進一步擊倒你體內的鏈球菌 翻譯社
當你在進攻鏈球菌時,有免疫系統支持相當重要。高品質的鋅,高品質 翻譯維他命C和檸檬香脂都是最棒的免疫系統增強劑。足夠的維他命C能加強免疫系統,連結充足 翻譯鋅存量,還有檸檬香油可以殺死鏈球菌,下降EB人類疱疹病毒第四型,重建免疫系統,這些都相當主要。
Dairy Products: If you have strep in your system, avoiding dairy products such as cow’s milk, goat’s milk, cheese, butter 翻譯公司 ghee 翻譯公司 kefir, and yogurt for an extended period of time can be highly beneficial and even essential. The reason you have to eliminate these foods for a lengthy period of time is because strep can take a while to clear out of the system. If you’ve eaten dairy products up until now 翻譯公司 it is likely you have deposits of various dairy products in your liver and other parts of your body. As you heal strep and eliminate unproductive food choices 翻譯公司 the strep will start to look for old deposits of dairy products that can be found in crevices of the intestinal tract and elsewhere in the body. Overtime, with enough healing foods and a proper supplement protocol, you can clear out these old, damaging deposits as well, and further knock down the strep in your system.
抗生素在今天的醫學界,有一席之地 翻譯社例如當病況面臨失控時。然則,我們 翻譯方針是要強化免疫系統,所以你可以試圖避免嚴重的急救狀態,必須至少用到抗生素來穩住病情,直到自然的方式可以到位做更深層的醫治。這可能是一個惡性輪回。鏈球菌可以再次匹敵生素產生免疫性,健康再度陷入惡化到病危,抗生素又再度需要被使用上。這會讓一小我墮入非常糟糕的輪回中,這就是我們想盡可能避免的。

Because of this 翻譯公司 the strep is more likely to push through to the surface of the derma. Lymphatic channels are all over the body and consequently acne may arise in a number of places. You may notice acne appear on your chest, shoulders, neck, face 翻譯公司 head (top, back, sides or crown) 翻譯公司 hairline, breasts, armpits, legs, groin, and/or underneath and around the butt. If you suffer from both acne and eczema 翻譯公司 you may not only have strep, but a heavy viral load in your liver as well. The true cause of eczema is a complete mystery to medical communities. I released a radio show and blog post to reveal what’s really causing this challenging condition.
If you suffered from strep throat as a child, it is likely you will notice acne arise as a teenager or adult. It may not be a severe case and may only appear every so often depending on the severity of strep in your system. if you frequently suffered from bronchitis or pneumonia as a child 翻譯公司 you may end up battling severe acne later in life as well. Other health issues as a child that may be a sign for acne later in life include tonsillitis and/or frequent styes. Medical science and research aren’t aware that streptococcus is the cause or a factor in any of the conditions.
醫學界不知道,女性的月經週期,80% 翻譯免疫系統會重新設置裝備擺設線路協助生育系統。代表只有20%的免疫系統在履行身體的健康功能 翻譯社是以,如果你平常就有偏頭痛,濕疹,委靡,痛苦悲傷,腦霧,憂鬱症,關節痛或任何其他症狀,在生理期期間可能更嚴重 翻譯社痘痘也一樣 翻譯社在此時代,女性淋巴細胞下落,痘痘更容易呈現。下次月經時代冒出痘痘,知道這不是因為荷爾蒙的原因。有另一個潛伏的緣由已呈現,免疫系統 翻譯使命轉移在影響你的痘痘爆發。
If you are plant-based, make sure your diet is not too grain, nut, or seed heavy, so that fruits, leafy greens and veggies can take center stage. Don’t allow unproductive foods to fill up your stomach and intestinal tract. Make space for the highly productive 翻譯公司 disease fighting foods that give you a chance to live a healthy, vibrant life.
Foods To Avoid
香蕉,也是一種很棒 翻譯食物對抗鏈球菌 翻譯社
你可以在網路上找到麩質的負面評價,但不全然是准確的。要避免麩質的緣由在於當你長痘痘時,麩質會讓鏈球菌變本加厲。我首次提到這個,目前正在各個社區撒播。讓各人知道很重要。鏈球菌其實不喜好麩質,但它仍然可以靠它維生造成問題。避免所有含有麩質的器材愈來愈困難,但過濾掉這個成份治好你的痘痘會很值得 翻譯社幸運的是,愈來愈多 翻譯不含麩質 翻譯食物可以挑選。
By eliminating these foods 翻譯公司 you stop supplying the strep in your system with the fuel it needs to cause havoc in the lymphatic system and move through to the surface of the derma where cystic acne arises. It usually takes some time for acne to completely clear, but taking out these unproductive foods and bringing in more healing foods and supplements can make a major difference. Have patience and move forward with the knowledge that you are fighting off the true underlying cause of your acne.
Eggs: Eggs feed all different bugs, including streptococcus. This is the number one food to avoid if you are trying to knock down strep in your system. Streptococcus not only loves eating eggs, but when you eat eggs 翻譯公司 your lymphatic system fills with mucus and is forced to try and clear this mucus out. If you put raw egg in a petri dish with any strain of streptococcus and observe it under a microscope 翻譯公司 you will see a complete feeding frenzy take place. Sadly, this information is never discussed and mostly unknown so people suffering with chronic illness continue to endure the consequences of eating eggs. Even eggs from your own hens or your neighbor’s hen are best avoided while you work to heal cystic acne.
You’ve probably tried a number of topical creams, ointments, and maybe even antibiotics in an attempt to heal your acne. The reason antibiotics are unlikely to work is because once you ingest antibiotics, they usually sit in your liver and can feed low-levels of strep. This is true even if your cystic acne seems to improve for a period of time. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics to a cystic acne sufferer for six or nine months, up to as long as two to three years.
幾十年前,只有兩組鏈球菌與少數菌株相連。醫學界不知道,開立抗生素白日使用讓囊性痤瘡獲得改良,抗生素當時能擊退體內根基的鏈球菌菌株。不幸的是,這些鏈球菌群體成長到愈來愈具抗藥性,抗生素沒法對之起反映。此刻A和B組已擴大成A到Z的種類 翻譯社醫學研究只追蹤到一些菌株,但實際上A到Z,每組都含有大量的突變菌株 翻譯社
很多醫療專業人士歸咎青春痘是荷爾蒙造成的。看來仿佛是禍首罪魁,因為在芳華期與月經週期,很多婦女的痘痘會比較嚴重 翻譯社有些人十幾歲時沒長過痘痘,後來的生理期卻可能長痘痘。
在起勁醫治囊腫性痤瘡的同時,一次一天,不要落空進展。醫治鏈球菌可能需要耐心與對峙,但找對正確的醫治體例,知道你走在准確的道路上,擁抱一個乾淨沒有痤瘡 翻譯生涯。
Acne & Antibiotics
If you have cystic acne, you also have strep lurking somewhere deep in your system. Fortunately 翻譯公司 there are many things you can do to help fight off this strep and start to heal the external symptom of this internal bacteria.
Canola Oil: Try avoiding canola oil whenever possible as it also feeds strep and it’s highly inflammatory.
雞蛋:雞蛋餵養所有不同的蟲子,包羅鏈球菌 翻譯社這是要避免 翻譯頭號食物。鏈球菌不只愛吃雞蛋,而且當你吃雞蛋時,你的淋巴系統會充滿黏液,被迫想把這些粘液清乾淨。 如果你把生雞蛋放在任何一種鏈球菌培育種植提拔皿中的,並在顯微鏡下窺察,你會看到一個完全的餵食狂熱在産生 翻譯社
Healing Supplements & Teas
You maybe wondering why antibiotics seemed to help reduce acne decades ago. The reason is because acne and cystic acne are related to streptococcus and are bacterial in nature. However, that doesn’t mean that antibiotics are a real cure for acne or that they truly heal the root cause of the problem. This is obvious from the many people who still suffer with acne after taking many rounds of antibiotics.
Acne Misconceptions
如果你此刻有抗生素療程在節制囊腫性痤瘡,但願改變醫治內容,那麼有一名領會你 翻譯大夫或從業人員蠻主要,他們可以幫助你平安地過渡到新 翻譯醫治方案。鏈球菌對任何蔬果,藥草或香料沒有抵抗力,所以常常增補它們會有強大的影響。有了正確的食物跟營養補充劑,你就有能力確立你的免疫系統,殺死任何鏈球菌或其他損壞性 翻譯蟲子,重獲沒有任何痘痘的日子。
第二個緣由是,抗生素幾十年前首度用在醫治嚴重的囊性痤瘡時,仿佛真得輔助患者清除皮膚。大夫其實不切當知道,為什麼抗生素有助於改善痤瘡症狀,但他們確切留意到利用後有改善。是以激發利用抗生素醫治痘痘 翻譯趨向,幾十年來,各類各樣的抗生素紛紛出籠,有的比別的 翻譯更具危險,卻激發各類分歧的敏感性痘痘。
如果你患有囊性痤瘡,那麼你體內也會有深層的鏈球菌徘迴。幸虧,照樣有很多事你可以做 翻譯擊退這種鏈球菌,並開始治愈這種內部細菌導致的外部症狀。
所以,若是你經常選擇吃一些垃圾食物,過佈滿壓力 翻譯糊口,以及不常好好照顧本身,你的免疫系統會比力難對于淋巴系統裡的慢性鏈球菌。
你可能聽過,『沒有了健康,你還有什麼?』 雖然有人認為沒有健康,就一無所有,我倒不這麼認為。 我相信,若是你正在為健康問題所苦惱,並且不想受餓,那麼你仍有機遇把健康找回來,而且你比你的健康多更多。除從新宣告健康與活力,你也有誇姣的魂魄,愛心,良善意圖,慈悲心與愛。擁抱所有這些器材,當你在療癒的過程。
If you do not suffer from acne, you may not realize the frustration and pain this symptom can cause. Many of us live in cultures where a great deal of importance is placed on appearance for both men and women. It makes sense that a person would not only want to feel good 翻譯公司 but would want clear skin as well. Especially as a teenager, there is a significant amount of pressure to look a certain way 翻譯公司 and suffering from acne can lead someone to experience bullying 翻譯公司 isolation, and other social problems. And, as an adult these same appearance-based pressures may still be present. Fortunately, there are numerous things you can bring into your diet and daily routine to help permanently clear up your cystic acne and I’ll share them with you below. First, let’s talk about the real underlying cause of acne.
Healing Foods
Strep strains can also be picked up on doorknobs 翻譯公司 on toilet seats, and in restaurants, which I discuss in my radio show about Food Poisoning. If you’re using the restroom at a restaurant or in another public area 翻譯公司 I would recommend flushing the toilet prior to using it, even if the water looks clean, and placing paper on the seat as well. Little tricks like this can help protect you from picking up an unwanted variety of strep. You can also wipe your hands with handi-wipes when out of the house after touching public surfaces or doorknobs. The person can pass this strain onto partners through sexual contact or strengthen the strains they already have through antibiotic use.
Selenium can help repair tissue that’s been damaged by strep. Goldenseal is a powerful herb that is most beneficial when used with breaks in-between. Without breaks, this supplement may stop offering as powerful of support, but strep will not grow resistant to goldenseal if adequate breaks are allowed between use. Work with a doctor or practitioner to figure out a healthy dosage you can try for two weeks at a time with two week breaks in between.
硒可以修復被鏈球菌肆虐過損傷 翻譯組織 翻譯社
第二個錯誤觀念是荷爾蒙。通常女生被見告,荷爾蒙跟她們 翻譯芳華痘有關。這不對。青春痘也許在女生生理期更形嚴重,但荷爾蒙不是這些特定時期,痤瘡加重的緣由。
給你本身足夠 翻譯時候來治療,並有決定信念。我希望這些資料不但給你氣力,也開始幫助你成為一個專家,入手下手熟悉一些慢性神秘的症狀與情形。當你帶入點點滴滴的醫治片段,知道你療癒的不只是囊腫性痤瘡。
你可能想知道為什麼幾十年前抗生素用來醫治痘痘。因為面皰與囊性痤瘡與鏈球菌有關,是細菌性的。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯但不代表抗生素是正中方針的痘痘療法,或真正能根治 翻譯社很多人服用多種抗生素後依然有痘痘。
很難徹底消除鏈球菌 翻譯社
櫻桃,所有其他莓果,含有抗菌特性,有助於擊退鏈球菌 翻譯社
There are two prevalent misconceptions surrounding acne. First off 翻譯公司 many acne sufferers are told that their bodies are overproducing sebum and dead skin cells, which can lead to clogged pores. Certain medical professionals suggest that if bacteria from the skin’s surface gets into these clogged pores, these areas will grow infected and inflamed. This is inaccurate. Acne is not made up of the naturally occurring oils in your body and these oils in no way lead to cystic acne.
菠菜,羽衣甘藍,甜菜,奶油葉萵苣,紅葉萵苣和綠葉萵苣等綠色蔬菜,隨著時候,在體內協助覆滅鏈球菌。不管你選擇怎樣的飲食習慣,確保你吃大量的混和綠葉蔬菜 翻譯社
Garlic is an incredible food for killing strep. Onion can kill both strep and H. pylori. The reason I mention H. pylori is because people with certain strains of strep usually have H. pylori as well. Greens such as mâche 翻譯公司 spinach, kale, chard, butter leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, and green leaf lettuce work to help kill strep in the system over time. Regardless of the diet you choose to follow, make sure you are consuming an abundant mix of leafy greens.
去除這些食物,你拿掉會侵擾淋巴系統的燃料,在真皮表面會爆出囊腫性痤瘡的炸彈。每每需要花一段時候才能完全清理痘痘,但把這些無益的食品拿掉,帶來更多 翻譯有益的食物與營養品,之前以後會有天地之別。
The more fresh fruits and vegetables you incorporate into your diet, the more fuel you will have to lower the levels of strep in your liver and lymphatic system.
If you are currently on an antibiotic to help control your cystic acne and want to change your protocol, it is important that you work with an understanding doctor or practitioner who can help you safely transition to a new protocol. Strep has never built up a resistance towards any fruit, vegetable, herb 翻譯公司 or spice, so bringing these in can have a powerful impact against this bug. With the correct foods and supplements, you have the power to build up your immune system 翻譯公司 kill off any strep or other havoc-wreaking bugs 翻譯公司 and live your life free from cystic acne.
Cystic Acne
所有藥草都有抗菌 翻譯特征。有些藥草又更能抗菌,但不管怎樣所有藥草至少都有某些價值。
This information is not meant to make you more fearful of things in this world.
You can read more about these foods and why it’s so important to avoid them for acne and all other health symptoms and conditions in my books Medical Medium, Life-Changing Foods and Thyroid Healing.
大夫會為囊性痤瘡的患者開立抗生素。這些大夫不知道 翻譯是,他們囊性痤瘡的患者會對抗生素產生抗藥性產生真皮下的疤痕。在這些環境下,人體味在真皮產生膿腫,想匹敵細菌,而真皮下的淋巴細胞也想追捕這些地痞般 翻譯鏈球菌。
痤瘡有兩個普遍的曲解 翻譯社首先,良多痤瘡患者被示知,他們的皮膚排泄過多油脂與老廢細胞,致使毛孔梗塞 翻譯社某些醫學專業人士認為,若是皮膚表面 翻譯細菌進入這些梗塞 翻譯毛孔,這些區域會傳染與發炎。這是不准確 翻譯。青春痘不是由你身體自然排泄的油脂所造成,這些油脂不會致使囊性痤瘡。
If you tried to clear up your cystic acne in the past by incorporating fresh fruits and veggies, but did not see much improvement, try bringing even more fruits and vegetables into your diet 翻譯公司 and start being mindful of the other foods you consume. If you are an avid meat eater, try to lower the amount of meat you consume 翻譯公司 so that you have more room to fill your diet with ample amounts of the bacteria-fighting fruits, leafy greens and veggies listed above. If you are a vegetarian 翻譯公司 try to keep the amount of cheese and dairy you consume as minimal as possible or remove it entirely while you’re healing and bring in ample fruits, leafy greens and vegetables.
All herbs have antibacterial properties as well. Some herbs are more antibacterial than others, but all herbs can offer at least some value. Peppermint, oregano, thyme 翻譯公司 sage, ginger 翻譯公司 turmeric, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon are just some of the many herbs and spices you may want to incorporate into your diet as you work to eliminate strep. Other foods to bring into your diet while you fight off strep include cucumbers 翻譯公司 tomatoes, red bell peppers, winter squash, sweet potatoes and other tuberous roots.
若是你小時刻得過喉炎,極可能你芳華期或成人後會長痘痘 翻譯社不是嚴重的狀態,只是偶然會長,要看系統中鏈球菌嚴重的水平。假如你小時辰經常有支氣管炎或肺炎,可能長大後就會有嚴重 翻譯痘痘問題。孩童期間 翻譯其他健康問題,可能有未來長痘痘的跡象,包孕扁桃發炎和/或長針眼。醫學研究還不知道鏈球菌,會是這些狀態的緣由之一。
You may have heard the saying, “without your health what do you have?”. Although some people believe that without your health 翻譯公司 you have nothing 翻譯公司 I do not support this idea. I believe that if you are struggling with health issues, and do not feel like you are thriving, you still have the opportunity to get your health back, and you are also so much more than your health Besides this opportunity to reclaim your health and vitality, you also have your wonderful soul 翻譯公司 your loving heart, good intentions, compassion, and love. Hold on to all these things you do have as you seize your opportunity to truly heal.
Licorice root and oregano oil are two other supplements that can be beneficial. Because every herb is antibacterial, bringing in some simple herbal teas can be miraculous. A daily cup of chamomile or peppermint can help as you fight to lower the strep in your system. If you want to see the supplements I recommend, check out the Medical Medium Preferred Supplements page.
As you bring more and more pieces of the protocol into your life, know that you are healing more than just your cystic acne. The healing suggestions laid out in this article can transform your health in countless ways and leave you thriving more than you ever have before!
玉米產品:任何量的玉米城市在你體內產生鏈球菌。當在醫治囊腫性痤瘡過程,請避免玉米和玉米製品 翻譯社
因為這樣,鏈球菌極可能穿透真皮層外面 翻譯社淋巴管道遍布全身,是以痘痘會在某些處所冒出來。比方胸部,肩膀,脖子,面部,頭部(頂端,後面,側面),髮際線,乳房,腋下,腿部,股溝和/或臀部四周。 若是你同時有痘痘和濕疹,你可能不但有鏈球菌,肝臟也有相當多的病毒。濕疹 翻譯真正緣由在醫學界還是一團謎 翻譯社我發表在廣播節目與部落格,真正造成這個的緣由 翻譯社
Many medical professionals blame acne issues on hormones. This seems like a likely culprit because acne tends to worsen for many women during puberty and during certain times in the menstrual cycle. Some women, who may not have even suffered from acne as a teenager, may begin to struggle with acne later on in life around their menstruation each month. Medical communities are unaware that during a woman's menstrual cycle 翻譯公司 80% of the immune system is redirected towards assisting the reproductive system. That means that only 20% of the immune system is left to support any other health issues your body may be working to heal. As a result, if you normally suffer from migraine headaches 翻譯公司 eczema, fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog 翻譯公司 depression 翻譯公司 joint pain, or any other symptom or condition, during your cycle it may reappear or worsen. This is of course true for acne too. During this time a woman’s lymphocytes lower and a wave of acne is more likely to arise. Next time pimples pop up during menstruation, recognize that it is not your hormones. There is another underlying cause that was already present and the shift in the focus of your immune system is affecting the severity of your breakout.
如果你沒有過這方面痤瘡的懊惱,你可能沒法體味當中所產生的痛苦與挫折。 分外是此刻是個外貌當道 翻譯社會,一個人不僅想要對本身感受良好,也進展皮膚看來乾淨無暇。特別是十幾歲 翻譯青少年,對於外表會有相當的正視與壓力,長芳華痘輕易造成被霸凌,孤立和其他社交問題。而,身為成年人,外貌的壓力依然存在。好在,許多器械可以從飲食與糊口作息調度,以下我會跟各人分享。首先,我們來談談痤瘡背後真正 翻譯根源。
Doctors are prescribing antibiotics for some of their patients who suffer from cystic acne. What these doctors don’t realize is that their patients’ cystic acne is due to antibiotic resistant strep building up and creating scar tissue underneath the derma. In these instances, the body creates pus-filled cysts above the derma in an attempt to fight against the bacteria while lymphocytes underneath the derma are trying to hunt down rogue strep bacteria.
糟的是,如許 翻譯知識從未被評論辯論過,大部份的人其實不知道,所以有慢性疾病的人就繼續吃而不知道後果 翻譯社本身養的雞舍或鄰人 翻譯雞舍所產的蛋都要避免 翻譯社
淋巴細胞在處理與下降鏈球菌扮演很重要的腳色,需要充足 翻譯鋅,和支援 翻譯食物到達節制結果並沖擊鏈球菌。沒有恰當的燃料,淋巴細胞無法阻退鏈球菌從真皮趕走。
囊腫性痤瘡(翻譯: 喜貓)
Medical communities aren’t aware that streptococcus is the cause a number of health issues including UTIs, pneumonia, SIBO, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis 翻譯公司 migraines 翻譯公司 styes, and sinus problems and it contributes to countless other health problems along with other factors. Along with these symptoms and conditions, cystic acne may also arise. Even if you do not have any other streptococcus-related symptoms and feel fairly healthy overall, you may still have chronic, low-grade streptococcus sitting in different areas of your lymphatic system stirring up acne issues.
It is challenging to truly eliminate strep bacteria. Lymphocytes, which play the biggest role in managing and lowering strep in the system 翻譯公司 need a sufficient amount of zinc and supportive foods to best control and fight back against strep. Without proper fuel, the lymphocytes will not be able to prevent strep from reaching the derma.
Gluten: You can easily find negative information about gluten with a quick internet search, but not all the information maybe accurate. The reason to avoid gluten when you have cystic acne is because gluten feeds strep. I brought this information to light for the first time and it is now circulating in various communities. It’s important that it continues to spread. Streptococcus doesn’t love gluten quite as much as it loves eggs 翻譯公司 but it can still feed off this food and cause issues. Avoiding all products that contain gluten can be challenging, but it is worth it if you are working to heal your acne. Fortunately, more and more gluten-free options continue to appear each year.
When streptococcus is in your body it can move from the liver to your lymphatic system. Your body maybe able to keep the strep under control for the most part, but there might be times where the strep reaches the derma and works underneath it, which can lead to cystic acne. For this reason, if you continuously run yourself down by making unproductive food choices, leading a stressful lifestyle, and infrequently implementing supportive self-care practices 翻譯公司 your immune system will have a difficult time managing any chronic strep in the lymphatic system.
Although antibiotics were useful for cystic acne sufferers in the past, that is not always the case now. The frequent overuse of antibiotics has led to numerous antibiotic resistant strep strains. If you have gone to a doctor during the past forty years for anything from a cold 翻譯公司 to an ear infection, to tonsillitis 翻譯公司 to a host of other complaints, you were most likely prescribed antibiotics. If someone is given antibiotics throughout childhood and a true healing protocol is never implemented she or he is likely to develop a resistant strain of strep that can linger in the system into adulthood.
Goldenseal北美黃蓮(金印草)是一個強而有力的藥草,可用在療程當中 翻譯社如果沒有歇息,光這個藥草是沒法供應強力支撐。但利用/暫停、利用/暫停,會讓鏈球菌對金印草沒有抵抗力 翻譯社與大夫或業者配合找出一個最佳劑量,你可以用兩個禮拜,停兩個星期的體例進行。
雖然抗生素過去對囊性痤瘡患者有效,但情況不總是如許 翻譯社抗生素 翻譯頻仍過度利用,致使匹敵生素產生抗藥性的鏈球菌菌株 翻譯社假如你在曩昔四十年裡曾去看過醫生,因為傷風,耳部傳染,扁桃體炎,與一堆其他的弊端,你很可能都是開立抗生素 翻譯社 若是一小我從童年期就接管抗生素醫治,從沒有真正治好,他或她可能產生抗性鏈球菌菌株,待在體內一向到成人。
A second acne misconception is that this symptom is hormonal. Oftentimes women are told that that their hormones are responsible for their acne. This is also incorrect information. Acne may be worse during puberty or during a woman’s menstrual cycle each month, but hormones are not the reason for the appearance or increase in acne during these specific times.
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